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Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Hiker's Log

I've made it! To Atlanta, anyway.
I was told it would be overcast and it is 21 degrees! At least it's dry heat?

The flight to Canada was lovely. I got to watch two films and young Buffy. There was no turbulence and we were given plenty of snacks and drinks. I even got three yoghurts, that's two more than most people get!

The flight from Canada to the USA was also nice, I slept for most of it and read for the other bits.

However the changeover was not so fun. I, unexecptectly to me, went through customs and security in Canada and not the USA. There, a rather unhappy looking lady questioned me on why I was going to the USA. Not just "business or pleasure" but also "am I staying with someone" and "have I been working". Questions I thought I had already answered and satisfied the US government when I got my visa.

That was scary.

But, now I'm here and getting to my air bnb.


  1. Glad to hear the flights went well and that you are now in Atlanta! Yay!

  2. Glad you are ok and getting near to the start x

  3. Good luck! :D Nakama from WoW sends his best as well!
