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Saturday, 27 April 2019

Trail Magic at Wayah Bald

It's the 27th, a Saturday, and I'm planning on doing a short day. Seven miles ish from Siler Bald to Wayah Bald.
I am so very glad to have made it to Wayah today. There was a lovely woman ag the top of a surprisingly hard climb giving out trail magic from the back of her car.
She gave me two bottles of water, some rice crispy cake and SIX bananas!

The rest of the day after that was devoted to debating whether to have an easy seven mile day or a medium twelve mile day.

A log concerning the twenty fifth and sixth of this month

Dear diary, on the twenty fifth of April I walked a little. Skypilot had developed a pain in her back shoulder area and so she and Mushroom got off trail. I managed to catch a ride with them and so I entered Franklin with them. I resupplied and so my pack is rather heavy again, and met up with a few people for dinner.

On the twenty sixth day, today, your loving writer was dropped back off where he was collected yesterday. Then came Mount Albert. It wasn't the highest climb but it was the steepest (at parts). It was most fun. I'm feeling young fit and healthy and so will be silly and push on for a long day.

I was silly in pushing on. But it meant catching up with some friends which is always good.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

St George's day and yesterday

It's too sunny!
I've had a great time hiking, including some seriously steep tall climbs to start the day with. But it's so sunny. It's maybe 20 degrees.
Yesterday I hiked through the heat, but today I'm planning to hide from the sun during noon.

24th Of April

I made it up Standing Indian from the shelter. The views were phenomenal. The rest of the day was nice but far too hot. There were a few steams to ford or skip over rocks with but nothing major.

Monday, 22 April 2019

Slackpacking in the snow

On Saturday, the 20th of April, we slack packed with TOG. The Top If Georgia hostel dropped us off at Unicoi gap with only water and snacks before abandoning us to hike the 17 miles back home.

Eight of us started. I ended up hiking slowly in the rear with Soul Mum. We had great fun on our ten hour stroll back to the hostel. Though we are definitely incredibly grateful to Thistle for buying us dinner before the shop closed as we were set to arrive in the depths of night. At around quarter past seven, about an hour before sunset.

The snow was very pretty, but we didn't really get to see any great views due to the never ending fog or mist or clouds we were walking through.

My first zero and a trip to the doctors

On Sunday, Easter Sunday, I took my first zero.
And visited a highly recommended doctor due to a minor problem in my left ankle.

There's a thing called a birsa underneath the tendon that is supposed to be soft and loose and squishy. Apparently my tendon was tight and rubbed against it which annoyed it and made it swell. Which increased the rubbing and so the swelling increased and so on... You see where this is going.

Now I have to ice it (dunk it in a stream) twice a day for ten minutes, and have a couple extra stretches to do. But I get to keep on hiking! Though the doctor mandated ten miles a day maxium until the pain goes away.

The doctor at Serendipity Clinic was very thorough and examined my legs and all the rest of my that might have any problem - she head my cough and made sure my heart and lungs were okay - and then charges about 60 dollars, which she charges everyone. It took over an hour for her to finish with me. She's highly recommended.

So today, Monday, I have a shorter hike planned but I still get to hike which is the main thing.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Another storm

I need to resupply so we hiked two miles to meet a shuttle in to a hostel.
We're staying at the Top Of Georgia, where there's plentiful room and warmth. Which is very good as another storm appeared last night. We managed to set up camp in the dry, but over night the heavens opened. Thunder, lightning, and strong winds!
Than goodness we're staying at a shelter now so where things can get warm and dry. I got through the night without major issue, but some worry. My hammock got a little damp somehow along with my quilt, but they're drying now.

Rest days

Aftery. Long day I've taken two shorter hikes. The first took me to Low Gap Shelter where I met a few old friends eventually and think I've made some new ones. I then hiked to Blue Mountain Shelter with some of them and met up with the new friends I didn't hike with. They've been short uneventful days for the most part.
Tomorrow, three of us are getting beds at a hostel for a nearo day where we won't be hiking very far up trail but will have a chance to rest and recuperate. Or more importantly km my case, resupply: I have four twixes left and have ran out of dinners. I still have plenty of porridge though.

A chance encounter

Yesterday was a long day. Too long, I think. The miles weren't too bad but by the last few miles I was just feeling emotionally exhausted.
When I reached my camp spot for the night, I was a little dismayed to see it already mostly full with strangers. However, that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. One of them offered me help setting up if I needed it, one offered me water. Later on some others, whom I had met before, also started to arrive. Eventually we all ended up laughing and chatting around a warm camp fire, courtesy of those unwanted strangers.
That evening really turned the afternoon around.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Blood Mountain and Neel Gap

I left lance creek somewhen about eight in the morning. I'm not saw atop the tallest mountain in Georgia. It's really rather hot but the views are stunning.
Neel Gap and real food are only a few short miles away now.

Only an hour or so after summiting, I'm now sat in the baking sun outside the outfitters at Neel Gap. I have a pizza on the way, fresh water and some company too.

I think I'll push on for the next shelter, but there are several spots along the way if I don't want to keep going.

The Day After The Storm

It's the day after the storm now, and it looked
like very sunny weather. We got dropped off at the trail by the same shuttle driver, at the same place. We arrived there at about 1130 after a busy drive up - a lot of people were being picked up or dropped off along the same logging road.

Dana wanted to phone his wife, I think, and so Carly and I were set to head off sooner. She insisted I hike at my own pace so I know what it's like to not be slowed down by her. I already knew that - it means walking alone for a long time - but I ended up setting off alone.
The backup plan was to get to Gooch Shelter, which I got to for lunch. There I met another three through hikers - Mat, a welshman from Ipswich; and Audrey and Shaun, but I don't know where in the USA they're from. They finished lunch and were heading out from Gooch when I arrived to start mine. We chatted for a bit but then they set off.

After lunch I signed the logbook at the shelter to let people know I was OK and headed for Lance Creek. Along the way I saw some amazing views, of which photos will be published eventually, and bumped into Audrey and Shaun a few times. I overtook them and then kept stopping for views which let them catch me.

I also saw a familiar face. A woman who greeted me and wished me luck almost immediately after leaving the visitor centre way back in Amicalola! If this were a novel she'd reappear a few more times and secretly be an angel. She sent me off,l at the very start, appeared to me again after a harsh storm and sent me off, and so on.

I made it the the tent site at about five and maybe made some new friends. However, I've not had word from or seen anything of the three I left behind or of Andy who I met in the hotel last night. Oh well.


Sunday, 14 April 2019


We had a big storm blow in with huge thunder, terribly rain and over 30mph winds!

Carly and I made it to Cooper Gap where we met up with Dana again. MJ left Hawk tentsight with us but eventually left us behind. No word from her yet.
Dana had already phoned for a shuttle when we caught him. He had stayed at the shelter ahead of us. Carly and he wanted to get off and I grudgingly let them persuade me to take the shuttle to a hotel with them.... So now we're in Dahlonega for the rest of the day.

Day 2

Today was a nice, easy day of only about 9miles. Shorter than yesterday. Apparently, though, it's the easiest 8 mile stretch in all of Georgia. Things can only get more fun!

I think we've started forming a small trail family. There's me, Dana - a middle aged ish man from the States who wants to get at least there if not the whole trail, Carly - a 29 year old therapist also from the States and wantingto go the whole way, and MJ - a Northern Irish woman looking to through hike too.

We've all done similar mile days, we're planning to get to the next shelter together at Gooch Mountain Shelter, which is about another 7 miles off. I think MJ has the fastest pace and we probably won't hike together, the other two hike slower than me but I've hiked with them today. I don't know if I will tomorrow. We'll see how I feel and if they set off before me.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Hike date 0001

I have made it to the first shelter before Springer Mountain. Its only 1600 so I might be able and willing to push on to Springer and start the AT proper. But for now..
Food and drink.

1900: I am now sat stop Springer Mountain. Hell yeah!

I also have my first trail story already. My shuttle had a scheduling issue? The shuttle driver tried getting a backup driver to take me but in the end he ordered an Uber for me all the way to Amicalola.
Easy trips don't make for good stories though, right?

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Hiker's Log

I've made it! To Atlanta, anyway.
I was told it would be overcast and it is 21 degrees! At least it's dry heat?

The flight to Canada was lovely. I got to watch two films and young Buffy. There was no turbulence and we were given plenty of snacks and drinks. I even got three yoghurts, that's two more than most people get!

The flight from Canada to the USA was also nice, I slept for most of it and read for the other bits.

However the changeover was not so fun. I, unexecptectly to me, went through customs and security in Canada and not the USA. There, a rather unhappy looking lady questioned me on why I was going to the USA. Not just "business or pleasure" but also "am I staying with someone" and "have I been working". Questions I thought I had already answered and satisfied the US government when I got my visa.

That was scary.

But, now I'm here and getting to my air bnb.

Leaving home

Hiker's log, star date 20190409: Saying goodbye to my girlfriend was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. There should have been much weeping but I am too masculine to have done so.

Hiker's log, Star date 20190410 0500: Good grief.. I hate early mornings.

We had to get up slightly before five and then rush through everything again at the last minute, making sure I wasn't leaving anything behind.

I'm so tired.

0630: Sleeeeepy

I have tickets now and have said goodbye to my backpack. But not yet my family. A quick snack first, and then the hard bit where some people cry. Not me of course, I'm too macho manly. Obviously.

0715: less sleepy, and through security. I now have much food.

End transmission (until a later date / time)

Thursday, 4 April 2019

GoPro + Instagram

I have a GoPro now!  I bought a GoPro Hero 7 the other day and have had a play with it.  It seems pretty cool so far,  and I've been playing with it on the mini-holiday I took with my girlfriend the last couple of days.  I'll be using it to take photos, record videos, maybe vlog as well as blog whilst I'm out hiking.  I've also got myself an instagram account to go with.  I'll be posting photos and videos and all sorts there, as I work out how to use it.  This blog will still be my usual place to update I think.

And here is a snazzy, ish, photo of all my gear, ish.  It doesn't have my water filtration system or water bladder visible in it, but it's got most of everything in it.  The GoPro is a far better camera than my phone is.  So with one week left to go, I'm a little bit worried but also very, very very excited.