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Sunday, 19 May 2019

Trail Days part two

Friday night was different.
Gone were the vendors and gear. Tent City, where most people stayed, was split in twain. On one side, it turned into a party that lasted into the early hours of the morning. The other suffered in quiet as the drums rang out. Drum circles, fire dancers, alcohol, drugs, and more consumed the woods and fields of the 'loud section' of Tent City.

That Saturday was busier and therefore louder. But even more companies had turned up, and perhaps more importantly, the freebies were being given out. I won a handcarved wooden mug from Dutch Ware Gear.

That night was louder yet, as everyone had to get rid of all their 'party supplies'.

Sunday was a mild, relaxed rush to get packed up and then head home. Well, to Hot Springs at least...


  1. Now, let me guess... were you partying or trying to sleep? All part of life's rich tapestry.......

  2. Or were you dancing 😃
