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Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The NOC and the day after

Yesterday (the twenty ninth), I made a shortish day downhill. Since Wayah, we had done a handful of easy days instead of a couple medium days. It was not quite short enough to be called a nearo, maybe half a normal day?

Sassafras, Frog, Thistle, Magic, and I hiked into the NOC. I got there for lunchtime and the others slowly trickled in.
NOC stands for Nantahala Outdoors Centre. It's a ratting company but with a rather large campus filled with other things including zip wires, two restuaruants and so forth. I purchased some hand sanitiser, the permit to hike in the Smokeys, and a floor mat for when staying in shelters at the Smokies (for one cannot camp in tents, but must use the shelters).

I also ate too much pizza. I ordered what I thought was a 16'' diamater pizza and received a 16'' radius pizza. I managed it, eventually.

Today, the thirtieth, we had a very difficult eight miles out of the NOC. Whereas yesterday was almost all downhill, today was almost entirely uphill. And a steep uphill at that. In temperatures exceeding 25 degrees. It was not the most fun day so far....


  1. That IS a lot of pzza. Hope you didn't suffer any after effects from the 25 degree hike 🤞😃

  2. Looks a great place and lots of equipment to buy.
