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Thursday, 30 May 2019

The Station at 19E

On Monday, I came down from Roan Mountain the mountain to Roan Mountain the town. It was a 16mile day with some brilliant views out from the various balds I crossed. I was then treated to a lovely dinner and pretty good bunk room.

Tuesday followed and I managed to do work-for-stay. I had my accommodation for two nights covered, along with free lunch and dinner. All I actually ended up doing was a little sweeping, showing people around, and holding things for a plumber.

I then had to pay for Wednesday as j took a 14 mile slack pack past some gorgeous waterfalls. I met a few friends and encouraged them to try tk make for Kincora hostel - it'd be a 20-something day, but over some of the easiest terrain we'd seen yet, to get to a hostel that only takes voluntary donations for a bed, shower and laundry.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

A hot day and a long day

Saturday was hot. So very hot. It was over thirty degrees. My forecast for Erwin said a high of thirty-two, but it felt much worse. I still managed a thirteen or so mile day, with Soulsurfer for much of it. We camped just shy of Unaka Mountain's peak, having done the last four or so miles without much in the of water. We met a father, son and uncle sectiowayn hiker group at camp where the two of us were also joined by a woman named Ladybird (and later at night, Doc too). Icewater pushed on to the peak.

But this is all just set up for Sunday.

Icewater, Ladybird and I met for lunch before planning a dubious plan. I was originally planning on trying for twenty miles to Ash Gap when Icewater mentioned wanting to get to the highest shelter on the AT, which was twenty-two miles. Guess who did it?!

That makes Sunday my longest day by about two miles, but also had some serious climbs such as two thousand feet gain in four miles.
I also ate more than two thousand calories of twixes. I'm not sure what I'm most proud of....

Tomorrow, that is Monday, I'm going to get all the way to Roan Mountain - which is about fifteen more miles.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Leaving Erwin

I'm finally done and waving Erwin. A day later than I'd like.
My stove and battery bank are both non functional, so I had to replace the former. I'm waiting to hear back about warranty for the latter. I was supposed to leave Erwin yesterday - on Friday - and I'm only leaving it now on Saturday. Roan Mountain is in about fifty miles where I'll hopefully have packages awaiting me.
I might not be able to talk or update much between now and then as I'll have to conserve battery even more than I normally do.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Uncle Johnny's

I took the stroll into Erwin from where I left off last time. A thirty mile walk over two days - it was fun. I managed to do a little under two thirds one day and a third the next, and then dropped me off at Uncle Johnny's hostel right in the trail outside the town of Erwin. I managed tk do some postal things, resupply and am now ready to head on out at some point.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Foolishness and a bad day

On Monday the 20th, having left Hot Springs Kaitlin and I hiked. I hiked too far in my folly. I pulled an 18mile day but timed it wrong - I ended up coming over Firescald bald at night and only got into camp at half ten.

The day after was.. Bad. For the most part. I hadn't slept well, I hadn't slept long, and I missed home terribly. I wasn't enjoying the things I should have. But in the evening I managed to phone home, and a friendly voice managed to turn the day around.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Back to Hot Springs

The Sunday was quiet. Lot of hangovers I imagine. John Wayne gave Kaitlin, now Sponge, and I a ride back to Hot Springs. He's has to get off trail due to an injury, and so bought a car to tour the USA that way.

He dropped us off at the Visitor Centre a little after noon, where we charged phones and lounges about a bit. At around half three, the two of us still hiking set off for the trail again. We made about eight miles progress before perhaps annoying people already asleep when we tried to cook at our chosen camp site. In our defence, we set up and cooked as far from the others as we could.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Trail Days part two

Friday night was different.
Gone were the vendors and gear. Tent City, where most people stayed, was split in twain. On one side, it turned into a party that lasted into the early hours of the morning. The other suffered in quiet as the drums rang out. Drum circles, fire dancers, alcohol, drugs, and more consumed the woods and fields of the 'loud section' of Tent City.

That Saturday was busier and therefore louder. But even more companies had turned up, and perhaps more importantly, the freebies were being given out. I won a handcarved wooden mug from Dutch Ware Gear.

That night was louder yet, as everyone had to get rid of all their 'party supplies'.

Sunday was a mild, relaxed rush to get packed up and then head home. Well, to Hot Springs at least...

Friday, 17 May 2019

Trail Days part one

After a few days in Hot Springs, I finally left. But not to hike. On Thursday I managed to find a way to Trail Days. Kaitlin (now Sponge) and I, plus someone we had met the night before, got a two hour shuttle to Damascus.

Trail Days is a three day festival, of sorts, celebrating the Appalachian Trail. Many outdoors gear companies set up stalls to repair, replace and sell things. Some even sponsor the event. Big Agnes and Granite Gear are even willing to try repairing gear from their competitors! They helped me with my under quilt. Some companies even do giveaways, raffles and more. There are also food stalls, local arts and crafts, discounts at local shops and diners, 'Tent City' where most people camp, live music, free food, and so much more!

So far, I've had a lot of free food and had several people slowly work at converting me. As said, I've had my gear fixed and enjoyed the live music. The merchant stalls are also very cool.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Hot Springs

So two days from the Smokies lays Hot Springs. On the way is Standing Bear Farm which is disgusting and shan't be spoken of.
The day into Hot Springs is only remarkable for the impressive time I took. I averaged 3.4mph hiking (there was a lot of downhill to help).

The day and night before though...

It was bitterly cold. Especially at night, where we foolishly camped atop a ridge. It got below 49 Fahrenheit, whatever that means....

Last days in the Smokies

The penultimate say wasn't as wet as the day before. It was mostly just damp. There isn't much to say of it. That night, though, the heavens opened again.

The final day started well enough. I had slept warm and dry, and the weather was comfortable and cool. Views were non existant though.

I made it out and went to look at Standing Bear. 'tis a commune. They give you a slip of paper upon which you write any purchases, and then pay at the end. It was also dark, rank and nasty looking. I didn't stay. So I pushed on, to have a long day. Longer than I expected. Halfway up Snowbird, the heavens opened again. A deluge. I was walking through streams again like the last couple of times it stormed. Not wanting to face setting up camp in the rain, I ended up pushing to the next shelter. Including side trips to Mt Cammerer, whose good view I did not get, I did  20miles. Maybe more. I am exhausted.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Final two days in the Smokies

The penultimate day was a fairly boring day without note. It was very wet. A brisk 13 miles with a very heavy pack (from a complete resupply of food, fuel and so forth) got me to the Cosby Knob shelter. Which was full so I got to hammock overnight through a storm! Funsies.

The final say dawns and I have made it to Mt Cammerer Lookout. It should offer spectacular views. Unfortunately, I am in the middle of a cloud and so it doesn't. Alas. I'll be leaving the smokies later today.

Gatlinburg and onwards

From Mt Collins shelter we got into Gatlinburg. What happened there isn't terribly interesting. It's an expensive town to stay at, but we managed to cram four into one room, see Avengers and resupply. Gatlinburg is loud, full of bright garish colours, and busy. I hated it.

Now Kaitlin and I are heading back out. We've had reports of bears and a shelter being closed because of them. The hitchhike in was.. Interesting. We sat in the back of a pick-up, which was exciting.

The first shelter was closed due to bears. Kaitlin and I wisely ate lunch there like numpties. We then pushed for the second shelter for a ten mile day, approximately, in rather fair weather.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

It's all downhill from here

We made it to the highest point at about five o'clock! Woo! Its all downhill from here, technically anyway...
It was a rather lovely day and hike, and the wood was lovely. Many firs and other trees reminding me of home for whatever reason.
Clingman's Dome is about 6600 feet up. The views were amazing.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Into the Smokies

Yesterday, on Sunday the fifth, we left at twelve and walked twelve miles in five hours. It was cold and wet and lovely! It was finally a temperature I am suited to! I loved it. The fog or mist at night was almost spooky, especially sjnce we had heard tell of bears nearby. There were no problems though.

On the morning on Monday, we saw deer. Sadly no photos... The twelve mile day started off lovely, and we had some great views from Rock Top; however, in the last three miles or so there were some surprisingly difficult climbs without much of a view.

Tuesday dawns, early. Too early I dislike it. Today we are attempting a thirteen mile day uber Clingman's Dome - the highest part of the trail. Hopefully, all goes well and there are many good views. It is almost all gently uphill though.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Fontana Dam

So yesterday on Friday the third, I made the long trek of fifteen ish miles to Fontana Dam and met some friends who I didn't expect to see.
We stayed up too late, missed our chance for the iconic photo, and now are taking a zero today on Saturday.

On Saturday, the storm hit. It started at about lunchtime and didn't really end until ten o'clock the following morning. There was a respite in the evening during which many people chatted about the fire, but then overnight everything was drenched again. It is now Monday, and we're going to finally leave Fontana Dam over said iconic dam.

Into the Smokies!

Fontana Dam

So yesterday on Friday the third, I made the long trek of fifteen ish miles to Fontana Dam and met some friends who I didn't expect to see.
We stayed up too late, missed our chance for the iconic photo, and now are taking a zero today on Saturday.

On Saturday, the storm hit. It started at about lunchtime and didn't really end until ten o'clock the following morning. There was a respite in the evening during which many people chatted about the fire, but then overnight everything was drenched again. It is now Monday, and we're going to finally leave Fontana Dam over said iconic dam.

Into the Smokies!

Thursday, 2 May 2019

The Fry Up

On the 1st, we took a half day to Wolf Creek Hostel to resupply. This is largely unimportant.
What is important is that Thistle and I decided to try to make a Full English out of American food.
There was so much food..
Dear god... So much...

Ten sausages, six eggs, fourteen strips of bacon, twenty eight hash browns, and a portion of beans for four people. So so much food...

We can barely move.. We're only going to do two miles now.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The NOC and the day after

Yesterday (the twenty ninth), I made a shortish day downhill. Since Wayah, we had done a handful of easy days instead of a couple medium days. It was not quite short enough to be called a nearo, maybe half a normal day?

Sassafras, Frog, Thistle, Magic, and I hiked into the NOC. I got there for lunchtime and the others slowly trickled in.
NOC stands for Nantahala Outdoors Centre. It's a ratting company but with a rather large campus filled with other things including zip wires, two restuaruants and so forth. I purchased some hand sanitiser, the permit to hike in the Smokeys, and a floor mat for when staying in shelters at the Smokies (for one cannot camp in tents, but must use the shelters).

I also ate too much pizza. I ordered what I thought was a 16'' diamater pizza and received a 16'' radius pizza. I managed it, eventually.

Today, the thirtieth, we had a very difficult eight miles out of the NOC. Whereas yesterday was almost all downhill, today was almost entirely uphill. And a steep uphill at that. In temperatures exceeding 25 degrees. It was not the most fun day so far....